
Tomorrow I’m going to quit my job

So my boss quit (who I actually liked) and their boss quit (who I kinda liked because they were somewhat reasonable on a lot of things) and the higher ups in the company swooped in and placed a new temporary manager in charge to keep things running. It's been pretty rocky to say the least. They are barely keeping things afloat at this location. Last time I worked, this manager decided to make things incredibly difficult for me to do my job efficiently and I decided to comply with it knowing I'm walking out the door soon. I literally spent 20 minutes telling him about why I've been doing this shit a certain way for years and how terribly disorganized the store will be if I do what he's asking. Sooooo, he got what he wanted after I promised him he's not going to like it. I'm just going to…

So my boss quit (who I actually liked) and their boss quit (who I kinda liked because they were somewhat reasonable on a lot of things) and the higher ups in the company swooped in and placed a new temporary manager in charge to keep things running. It's been pretty rocky to say the least. They are barely keeping things afloat at this location. Last time I worked, this manager decided to make things incredibly difficult for me to do my job efficiently and I decided to comply with it knowing I'm walking out the door soon. I literally spent 20 minutes telling him about why I've been doing this shit a certain way for years and how terribly disorganized the store will be if I do what he's asking. Sooooo, he got what he wanted after I promised him he's not going to like it. I'm just going to come in tomorrow to laugh and point out how fucking stupid that decision was and maybe fuck around for a few minutes. I don't care. I've already got another job lined up I think and I'll be alright.

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