
I’m finally working for a decent human being!

I (32/m/white American) just got a job installing solar panels, and my boss and everyone I work with are pretty great. Chill, down to earth, funny, patient, positive, kind… They've offered BC/BS and full dental, and a 401K if I stick around for a year. I get to work on roofs with beautiful views of my hometown (with full OSHA approved safety measures)… it's like a dream come true. I even found out my boss likes Futurama and MF DOOM (two of my favorite things! [RIP DOOM ]). It's all so good I'm beginning to wonder what the catch is! I have a history of awful employers (I would've started my own business years ago if a few things had lined up but at the end of the day I don't really have the wherewithal to run a business at this point in my life). My most recent boss would've…

I (32/m/white American) just got a job installing solar panels, and my boss and everyone I work with are pretty great. Chill, down to earth, funny, patient, positive, kind… They've offered BC/BS and full dental, and a 401K if I stick around for a year. I get to work on roofs with beautiful views of my hometown (with full OSHA approved safety measures)… it's like a dream come true. I even found out my boss likes Futurama and MF DOOM (two of my favorite things! [RIP DOOM ]). It's all so good I'm beginning to wonder what the catch is!

I have a history of awful employers (I would've started my own business years ago if a few things had lined up but at the end of the day I don't really have the wherewithal to run a business at this point in my life). My most recent boss would've been alright by my book if he weren't so busy that it affected his mood pretty adversely… but pretty much 100% of the rest of them were just shitty human beings. If I had had any sense of self-respect in my 20's, I could've sued at least 3 of my employers for abusive behavior, gross negligence, or telling me to do something downright illegal… I could go on. Anyway, during my most recent interview, I set some pretty hardcore boundaries right off the bat… regarding what I'm capable of offering, and what I expect of them as employers, etc… and they were totally on-board.

I'm sharing because I want to offer hope for those who are struggling to find or build a positive work environment. I know it's not realistic for everyone to hop from job to job to job hoping you find the right fit, or to be able to set boundaries without substantial pushback. I'm very lucky to be where I'm at. But, know that there are decent people out there who are willing to hire you and treat you right.

TL/DR: After over a decade of suffering on the work force, I decided to set some boundaries and I now have a great job with a great boss and hopefully you can to!

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