
You want a 5% raise? Beg for it!

Straight from the front lines of the working people. After two years of no raises but increasingly more work, I talked to my manager about a pay raise. We use a system of numbers and letters to determine your pay class – mine is G1 and I wanted to be moved to G2. Two things happened. He started to laugh and reminded me that every position has a pay range. If my position doesn't go beyond G1, I won't get a raise – period. Of course he didn't know the range, so he blew that off for next week. Here's the kicker, the difference is 5% – pre-tax. After taxes it would be a whooping 4.3% raise. And he is acting like it's the biggest favor of his to consider it. The meeting concerning a yes or no will be next week. If he refuses, I'll have to either drop…

Straight from the front lines of the working people. After two years of no raises but increasingly more work, I talked to my manager about a pay raise. We use a system of numbers and letters to determine your pay class – mine is G1 and I wanted to be moved to G2.

Two things happened. He started to laugh and reminded me that every position has a pay range. If my position doesn't go beyond G1, I won't get a raise – period. Of course he didn't know the range, so he blew that off for next week.

Here's the kicker, the difference is 5% – pre-tax. After taxes it would be a whooping 4.3% raise. And he is acting like it's the biggest favor of his to consider it.

The meeting concerning a yes or no will be next week. If he refuses, I'll have to either drop all the s**t that has been loaded on top of my work, or I'll need to walk.

Damn clowns. Damn, I needed to vent.

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