
I think I’m getting fired today

So Context, I had WFH two days this week due to train strikes and one of the days I forgot my laptop which my secondryy boss was angry about. But today I do t have the willpower to go to work at all. I am thinking of just working from home today as well but too scared to let my boss know. My main boss is away till next Monday so it should be okay. I am scared to mssg my other boss that I am WFH today as well. But anywaysssss

So Context, I had WFH two days this week due to train strikes and one of the days I forgot my laptop which my secondryy boss was angry about. But today I do t have the willpower to go to work at all. I am thinking of just working from home today as well but too scared to let my boss know. My main boss is away till next Monday so it should be okay. I am scared to mssg my other boss that I am WFH today as well. But anywaysssss

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