
Old Boss that I hate

I worked for this dude for a year as a carpenter. This is old and not like a horror story like most posts here. I was like 22, never worked as a carpenter before. When I first started everything was great, people were nice, boss is like a dick but in a funny way at the time. When he started he was very hands on doing work all day with us so I thought that was cool. He was training me then after a while I started to work with his right hand man. Right hand man guy was the only one who knew how to read blue prints and other detailed worked bossman couldn't do. Right hand man and I became buds and we would do projects on our own. RHM enjoys his mary jane and so do I but I wouldn't smoke on the job. Long story short…

I worked for this dude for a year as a carpenter. This is old and not like a horror story like most posts here.

I was like 22, never worked as a carpenter before. When I first started everything was great, people were nice, boss is like a dick but in a funny way at the time.

When he started he was very hands on doing work all day with us so I thought that was cool. He was training me then after a while I started to work with his right hand man. Right hand man guy was the only one who knew how to read blue prints and other detailed worked bossman couldn't do. Right hand man and I became buds and we would do projects on our own. RHM enjoys his mary jane and so do I but I wouldn't smoke on the job.

Long story short bossman gives RHM, me and two-three other guys to work on this huge project. renovating a whole damn building roof down. took most of the summer. Bossman would never check up on us. On the job we were always short supplies. We had to make constant trips.

Bossman is unhappy of the progress of the project. (there was a lot going on too with timing of plumbers and electricians) and was just a mess of a project.

Bossman at this point is just a dick to everyone, calls people stupid, called me stupid because I didn't know what material was and we had a big fight. BM wife would also work with us, she didn't know much about carpentry either but he would treat her like a child. That's what pissed me off the most was how he would treat his wife in front of clients!!

BM would always have me doing dirt work like insulation, climbing risky things and I just had to tell him no you are not paying me enough to risk my life get someone else to do it. Old man John would do this work since he didnt gaf anymore now.

BM does not like me anymore because I won't climb 4 stories worth of scalping and climb on a roof with no harness. I just said no I am not dying for this company.

Then it was a friday after what I thought was a good day at work. Worked as a company even BM picked up a hammer that day. He quit being hands on and would just spend all day on the computer later on. Anyway we would have a company dinner that day. All is good and I was going to Colorado for the weekend! Super pumped (had a blast by the way, saw a bear and a moose!)

So it's like sunday morning and I wake up to a text from my boss that he has fired me…

Pissed as hell that he fired me over text (!!) and knowing I was going on this awesome vacation. I call him as soon as I am up. He ignores it. I call back and he answers,

“What I am in the gym?”

“I do not care, you fired me over text?? Why?”

“Well Judy saw you smoking a joint on the jobsite so it was an easy decision”

(which of course is fair but I am not that stupid to smoke a j at a clients home, on their lawn with the entire company there) (this was old man john's cig that I just was bored and wanted to hit it, I don't smoke cigs but ya know gotta live wild sometimes lol)

“a joint?? do you mean old man john's cig that he's smoking all day?? Yes I took a cig from John so what you're firing me for that?”

“Judy said it was a joint so I take her word for it”

I then bitched him out for being a coward not firing me before my trip or even talking to me. Said fuck you and hung up on him.

This was 5 fucking years ago and just the thought pisses me off so much. I went back to school and got my bachelors.

Fuck PHD maintenance in the Brighton MI area ran by a U of M grad that brags about it every chance he gets. His own head can't even get in a truck.

Fuck you Brain Maynard, I leave bad reviews everywhere about how you treat your wife you fucking dog. And your dog by the way that I fucking saved it's life because you left him in your TRUCK most of day off, the damn dog almost had a heat stroke you fucking idoit.

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