
Mouse jigglers are life savers!!!

Calling all remote workers: I just came across (so it's new to me) something called a mouse jiggler. I don't want to break any rules but I haven't seen a previous post about it so I thought I'd share. Just search “mouse jiggler” in Amazon (not sure if posting a link would cause me to break any rules.) My work laptop goes to sleep and logs me out after 5 minutes and it's preset. I just find it really annoying, especially since I'm at home and don't have to worry about privacy concerns. Obviously don't use this in public or at the office but I finally have freedom to use the bathroom and not be logged out when I get back to work, or god forbid I grab a snack. Hope this helps!!!

Calling all remote workers: I just came across (so it's new to me) something called a mouse jiggler. I don't want to break any rules but I haven't seen a previous post about it so I thought I'd share.

Just search “mouse jiggler” in Amazon (not sure if posting a link would cause me to break any rules.) My work laptop goes to sleep and logs me out after 5 minutes and it's preset. I just find it really annoying, especially since I'm at home and don't have to worry about privacy concerns.

Obviously don't use this in public or at the office but I finally have freedom to use the bathroom and not be logged out when I get back to work, or god forbid I grab a snack.

Hope this helps!!!

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