
Got fired for putting in my two weeks

Actually, it’s worse than that. I worked at the Boys and Girls Club in my area, even though I have a teaching license. I had just moved to this area, so I wasn’t able to start teaching because I came in the week before school started. Because I have six years of teaching experience, they put me with the kindergarten and first graders, because they’re always the hardest group and have the most behavioral problems. Teachers don’t make anything around here, so I’ve been looking at other things, and I was eventually approached by an offer to go to nursing school free of charge. I understand that nurses don’t make very much either but my offer for teaching at an elementary was $17 an hour with no benefits. Even though it was such a good offer, I really didn’t want to leave my class at the Boys and Girls Club,…

Actually, it’s worse than that. I worked at the Boys and Girls Club in my area, even though I have a teaching license. I had just moved to this area, so I wasn’t able to start teaching because I came in the week before school started. Because I have six years of teaching experience, they put me with the kindergarten and first graders, because they’re always the hardest group and have the most behavioral problems.

Teachers don’t make anything around here, so I’ve been looking at other things, and I was eventually approached by an offer to go to nursing school free of charge. I understand that nurses don’t make very much either but my offer for teaching at an elementary was $17 an hour with no benefits. Even though it was such a good offer, I really didn’t want to leave my class at the Boys and Girls Club, especially because I know that most of the kids are from low income families that often lack the ability to provide the kids with lots of attention.

I decided to go ahead and put in my two weeks though and go to nursing school. I put in my two weeks. I told the kids I’d be leaving and they cried, but we were able to talk about it and I addressed their concerns. That was already two weeks ago. They begged me to stay another two weeks so that they could find someone to fill my spot. I was supposed to have another week and a half.

Today I clocked in and was called into the office. They wrote me up, said I wasn’t using company time appropriately, and asked me to leave immediately. I don’t get to say goodbye to my kids, the other teachers, or even pass out the candies I had bought for Halloween.

I’m just angry, because I could’ve just left after the first two weeks like I was supposed to. I gave them extra time because I love my kids and now they’re just going to fire me randomly in the middle of the week? The worst part is that I will be okay, I have something to look forward to, but what’s gonna happen to my kids? We’re already short staffed, and now management has decided to pull the rug out from underneath us both. And why? Because they’re mad at me? I just dont get it

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