
Advice on work

Hey there, this is going to be a little long to read but I will try to summarize. Please stay with me, as english is my second language and maybe I commit some grammar mistakes. So, in December 2020 I got hired in a little shop close to the other I was working in, that had to be closed due to Covid. I knew the bosses and they were really nice: little family business, but everything went along law and nothing was shady. Everything worked awesomely, in December there's alot of work and we sorted the heavy stress of these times- as high season is October-January, the rest of the year is peaceful. But I don't know what happened, and everything went downhill and tense quickly this year: we had a met up starting January, where I was told I had to be more “profesional” and that everything has to…

Hey there, this is going to be a little long to read but I will try to summarize.
Please stay with me, as english is my second language and maybe I commit some grammar mistakes.

So, in December 2020 I got hired in a little shop close to the other I was working in, that had to be closed due to Covid. I knew the bosses and they were really nice: little family business, but everything went along law and nothing was shady.

Everything worked awesomely, in December there's alot of work and we sorted the heavy stress of these times- as high season is October-January, the rest of the year is peaceful.

But I don't know what happened, and everything went downhill and tense quickly this year: we had a met up starting January, where I was told I had to be more “profesional” and that everything has to be pefect as we are “growing”. I understood and tried everything, but they always find something to berate me.

At first I tried to be open with criticism, as I am really perfeccionist and got hurt by it, but it's true that I am sometimes forgetful (I have some post trauma things I don't want to share with anyboyde and zoom out). I tried writing things down, etc, checking everything but as I said, there's always wrong. For reference, I am the only worker in my shift, as it's a little store.

I hit the maximum goal every Saturday, but it doesn't matter. I don't get no bonuses or anything, just push yourself, even knowing it's low season.

I don't know, I am just sad and disappointed. They told me they are tired of me, of repeating everything 1000 times, etc. It just hurt. Maybe they are going throught a difficult time, but I don't feel it's okay to push me and treat me badly.

So, what should I do? I tried speaking up for me but when I try, it always ends in fights

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