
Got Passed Over For A Promotion Again

So I got passed over for a promotion, again. The first time it was done the person ended up not taking the job (I wasn't even aware this happended until a month later) and the second time it was for a position above what I was promised. Or so I thought, the reason they gave me was because it's actually a position above the one I was promised (which is true but…) I later found out from a coworker that she was offered the promotion I was promised. She turned it down but now I'm pissed. I was hired 6 months ago and told that a supervisor position would be made available (with the implication on both ends being I would fill it after I got used to the venue and the position became open). So far the job is fine, I actually enjoy it, it has some stuff that…

So I got passed over for a promotion, again. The first time it was done the person ended up not taking the job (I wasn't even aware this happended until a month later) and the second time it was for a position above what I was promised. Or so I thought, the reason they gave me was because it's actually a position above the one I was promised (which is true but…) I later found out from a coworker that she was offered the promotion I was promised. She turned it down but now I'm pissed. I was hired 6 months ago and told that a supervisor position would be made available (with the implication on both ends being I would fill it after I got used to the venue and the position became open). So far the job is fine, I actually enjoy it, it has some stuff that kinda sucks but my manager does right by me (aside from going behind my back to offer the job to someone else without even considering me). I got told I wasn't ready, despite having similar experience elsewhere and being good at my job. So today I applied to another, similar job, literally like 2 blocks away, got hired on the spot for slightly better pay with the possibility of being promoted if I'm a good fit (I honestly don't care at this point, I just want more money). I'm going to stay on at my current job for the hours, people, and benefits (new job is only part time, would be full time if I was promoted) but I'm going to be putting in less effort, taking more breaks, and leaving once I hit 8 hours (we don't get paid overtime unless we hit 80 hours in a 2 week period, meaning I could work 79.75 hours one week and 0 the next and not see any overtime). If a promotion does materialize from one of these jobs I'll take it, but until then I will continue putting in no more than 90% effort at the absolute max.

If I could share some advice with all of you: fuck your current job. Never stop looking for something better, because they won't. If you need a day off, take one, if the benefits person tells you that you don't qualify go over their head and get those benefits (had to do that recently), and if you're comfortable doing it and there's minimal risk, take stuff (toliet paper, empty beverage containers to recycle for money, pieces of food if you can, garbage bags, etc). If your boss is gonna screw you over, atleast make sure you have enough toliet paper and garbage bags, and keep looking for something better.

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