
Over worked, Under paid (Rant)

I work at a hospital as a registrar. Essentially I'm one of the go-to employees. Cross trained in 5 different areas of our department. On average working 52hrs+ every two weeks. And let me tell you about the reports. Everyday, running through the same report to register add-ons, gathering cardiac appt regs from 3 different areas everyday and being expected to complete ALL of it while also having to do the vascular registrations and authorizations! Have you ever tried to get BlueCross BlueShield Administrators representatives on the phone? It's impossible! And have mercy if a patient comes in and I sit down with them to make sure everything is up to date and find that they require authorization, the doctors office has been notified but we still haven't received it. Over the course of two weeks I had to tell the same lady 3 times that authorization still hadn't been…

I work at a hospital as a registrar. Essentially I'm one of the go-to employees. Cross trained in 5 different areas of our department. On average working 52hrs+ every two weeks. And let me tell you about the reports. Everyday, running through the same report to register add-ons, gathering cardiac appt regs from 3 different areas everyday and being expected to complete ALL of it while also having to do the vascular registrations and authorizations! Have you ever tried to get BlueCross BlueShield Administrators representatives on the phone? It's impossible! And have mercy if a patient comes in and I sit down with them to make sure everything is up to date and find that they require authorization, the doctors office has been notified but we still haven't received it. Over the course of two weeks I had to tell the same lady 3 times that authorization still hadn't been obtained, she rescheduled the same appt 3 times over this. Keep in mind I cannot obtain authorization, I can only call the insurance to check and notify the doctors office if it does. Customer/Patient service is so hard, especially when they take it out on me and I have to sit there and grin and calmly explain to them the issue while hearing them bitch and complain. I mean I get the frustration, I really do, but to have it taken out on me when it's not even my fault is bullshit. Its also painful to have to go to patient rooms and talk to people with serious illnesses. Our cardiology dept loves me because I stick around and chat with patients but i do it to make them laugh and to help take their minds off the reason they're here, sometimes giving assurances to the elderly who have been abandoned or completely ignored and used by their family ( I love to talk with people who were born in the 1930s, they always have so many interesting stories). Its so hard for me to walk away from them without at least getting a chuckle over some corny joke or pun. Sometimes seeing blood which just makes me so light headed and almost panicked, i have to make conserted efforts not to stare at blood thats gone and dried up or oozing from one of the insertion sites (its so red, so bright. Im triggered but panicked and I cant, i just cant). There's been times where I've worked a 40hr work week and then have to work 12 hr shifts on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, just to show up bright and early for another 40 hr work week. It sucks especially because I just don't get paid enough to deal with this. I'm always tired because I'm always working and I'm always working because I'm always broke and need the money because I'm trying to put myself through college (because i have no certifications) while keeping a roof over my head, bills paid, food in my belly (also do not live off of ramen noodles, the hypertension is not worth it). If I got paid a reasonable wage, I wouldn't have to work so much to make ends meet and don't get me started on my medical bills. I'm so tired.

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