
Why are companies so against working from home?

I’ve seen a lot of posts lately about companies getting people to return to the office and implying that working from home means you’re lazy. Working from home is one of the few good things to happen during the pandemic. As a single mom, it’s allowed me to be able to move to an affordable rural area far from family without having to worry about childcare. Pre-covid I was working a dead end job for $13 an hour and driving 2 hours a day every weekend so my mom, who lived a half hour away, could watch my daughter. I also barely got to take my daughter places because I had to work all weekend to make up for only being able to work while she was at school during the week. I only had a babysitter on the weekends. All of this for an apartment I couldn’t afford. I’m…

I’ve seen a lot of posts lately about companies getting people to return to the office and implying that working from home means you’re lazy. Working from home is one of the few good things to happen during the pandemic. As a single mom, it’s allowed me to be able to move to an affordable rural area far from family without having to worry about childcare. Pre-covid I was working a dead end job for $13 an hour and driving 2 hours a day every weekend so my mom, who lived a half hour away, could watch my daughter. I also barely got to take my daughter places because I had to work all weekend to make up for only being able to work while she was at school during the week. I only had a babysitter on the weekends. All of this for an apartment I couldn’t afford. I’m making a little more now, I don’t have to worry about childcare, I have money to spare after house payments, and I even have time to take online college courses to work towards having a career. There’s so many work from home jobs, so I was able to be a little picky and find one where I have weekends off to spend with my daughter. My cats are happier too. Being able to work from home has drastically improved our lives, and it really annoys me that some people are trying to ruin a good thing.

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