
Negotiated a better starting pay thanks to this sub

I have been nervous to write this post because I still can’t believe it is real and I stood up for myself. I applied for a job that I have an extensive background in. At this company they are lacking people with my specific knowledge. They called did the whole interview thing and made an offer. They offered me 56K and I said no. I told the recruiter on the original call I wanted 70-75K. They came back with 65K but I stood my ground. I did it thanks to this sub and understanding my value as a worker and standing up for what I want from a job. I still am in shock that I did it. I hate confrontation and was raised to be happy to have a job and take whatever they offer you. Thank you for helping me see my value as a worker

I have been nervous to write this post because I still can’t believe it is real and I stood up for myself. I applied for a job that I have an extensive background in. At this company they are lacking people with my specific knowledge. They called did the whole interview thing and made an offer. They offered me 56K and I said no. I told the recruiter on the original call I wanted 70-75K. They came back with 65K but I stood my ground. I did it thanks to this sub and understanding my value as a worker and standing up for what I want from a job. I still am in shock that I did it. I hate confrontation and was raised to be happy to have a job and take whatever they offer you. Thank you for helping me see my value as a worker

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