
I fucking hate how corporate culture expects everyone to want promotions.

I work in a typical office environment for a company of around 2000 nationwide. I make decent money, have unlimited overtime available if I ever want something extra, and have decent benefits. For the first time ever I'm actually happy where I'm at. I am great at my job, play the corporate card well, shake the right hands and impress the right people, all just to guarantee I keep my current job and take home a paycheck. However, now my expectations have skyrocketed. Every one of my supervisors is now grooming me for a promotion, which I straight up do not want. If I mention this, everyone is shocked. “Why wouldn't you want to be promoted?!” My answer is always the same. I absolutely hate interviews. I hate spending weeks anxiously memorizing scripted answers to researched questions asked by executives who have known myself and my work ethic for five…

I work in a typical office environment for a company of around 2000 nationwide. I make decent money, have unlimited overtime available if I ever want something extra, and have decent benefits. For the first time ever I'm actually happy where I'm at. I am great at my job, play the corporate card well, shake the right hands and impress the right people, all just to guarantee I keep my current job and take home a paycheck.

However, now my expectations have skyrocketed. Every one of my supervisors is now grooming me for a promotion, which I straight up do not want. If I mention this, everyone is shocked. “Why wouldn't you want to be promoted?!” My answer is always the same. I absolutely hate interviews. I hate spending weeks anxiously memorizing scripted answers to researched questions asked by executives who have known myself and my work ethic for five years. I hate the idea of having a salaried job with more responsibilities that ultimately makes less than I do now with the OT I work. I hate how corporations consider me “lazy” for being happy where I'm at and not looking for the next dick to suck in order to rise up the ladder. Being promoted sounds terrible. If I deserve the job, give it to me. Don't make me beg for it along with dozens of others. If I don't deserve it, don't offer it to me. Nothing wrong with a merit promotion.

Since I've mentioned that I'm not interested in rising up the ranks, my opportunities have decreased. This directly affects my bonuses and wage increases. It feels like I'm being punished for not wanting a promotion. But for now, that's fine. I'll let someone else take these positions, drown themselves in stress, hate their job and constantly answer to millionaires for an extra $4 an hour. That's fine by me.

Does anyone feel like their desire to NOT get promoted is negatively impacting their career?

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