
Wanting to leave my job after 7 months

Hello everyone! I need some advice. So, I worked at a restaurant for a couple years and I absolutely loved it. Long story short, a rep working for a Verizon authorized retailer offered me a job one day while I was working there and I took it. Promised me more pay and better hours. Well he wasn’t lying but I absolutely hate the job and I find it very soul sucking. There is a lot of bs that goes on here and I’m absolutely sick of it. What’s holding me back from leaving, is my lack of work experience in general. I’m 25 years old. Besides this job, all I have is restaurant experience and an associates degree. I’m worried that 7 months here won’t look good on a resume. According to what I read on Google, the ideal time to stick with something is 2 years. If I stuck…

Hello everyone!

I need some advice. So, I worked at a restaurant for a couple years and I absolutely loved it. Long story short, a rep working for a Verizon authorized retailer offered me a job one day while I was working there and I took it. Promised me more pay and better hours. Well he wasn’t lying but I absolutely hate the job and I find it very soul sucking. There is a lot of bs that goes on here and I’m absolutely sick of it. What’s holding me back from leaving, is my lack of work experience in general. I’m 25 years old. Besides this job, all I have is restaurant experience and an associates degree. I’m worried that 7 months here won’t look good on a resume. According to what I read on Google, the ideal time to stick with something is 2 years. If I stuck with this job for 2 years, I’d probably off myself. I want to do something else besides restaurant work but I’m worried no one will hire me. What should I do? Just accept that life sucks?

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