
Stingy Bosses

So roughly 10 years ago I was working for this small family owned business that was so incredibly stingy and toxic. I have multiple stories about these effers. The story I’m thinking about in particular is when a coworker got into an accident and totaled her car. She was fine, but was lacking in transportation. So she and her family cooked barbecue and was selling by the plate, and the boss bought a few plates for himself and his family. Skip to a month or two later. And the boss asks her to stay late for some overtime and for whatever reason she doesn’t want to. Now personally unless I have plans I don’t mind staying late, especially if I get paid overtime and don’t have plans; however she didn’t want to. The effer boss throws the fact he bought those measly plates of barbecue in her face and she…

So roughly 10 years ago I was working for this small family owned business that was so incredibly stingy and toxic. I have multiple stories about these effers. The story I’m thinking about in particular is when a coworker got into an accident and totaled her car. She was fine, but was lacking in transportation. So she and her family cooked barbecue and was selling by the plate, and the boss bought a few plates for himself and his family. Skip to a month or two later. And the boss asks her to stay late for some overtime and for whatever reason she doesn’t want to. Now personally unless I have plans I don’t mind staying late, especially if I get paid overtime and don’t have plans; however she didn’t want to. The effer boss throws the fact he bought those measly plates of barbecue in her face and she should show more gratitude! Now obviously that pissed her off, me off, and the rest of my coworkers and obviously tanked morale. Now what does this a-hole do to try to make up for this? Does he actually apologize? Hah! No he says he’s doing a lottery for everyone in the office to boost morale for $100. In which I ended up winning…. I have no idea why this idiot thought that this would make up for it. We all still hated him for that. Oh then he takes me off to the side and said because I won the lottery that I needed to use part of it to buy tacos for the office and bring them the next day…. Suffice to say the taco I saved for him the next day may have had some ghost pepper in it… not my fault if the restaurant mixed up his and my order because I like it spicy, but I guess he likes it spicy as well because he didn’t call me out and I was there for maybe another 6 months before something else happened to make me run away

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