
All 60 Million Wage Earners at the Bottom Make Less Than the Top 237,000 Executives “Last year the 237,000 highest paid employees in America together made more money than the lowest paid 60 million workers, my analysis of the latest federal wage statistics shows. The top employees collected  $659.3 billion for their work last year. The  worst paid 60 million workers earned $628.3 billion, about 5% less than the fat cats at the top of the pay ladder.”

“Last year the 237,000 highest paid employees in America together made more money than the lowest paid 60 million workers, my analysis of the latest federal wage statistics shows.

The top employees collected  $659.3 billion for their work last year.

The  worst paid 60 million workers earned $628.3 billion, about 5% less than the fat cats at the top of the pay ladder.”

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