
Starbucks Employment Marketing vs Reality

Starbucks has successfully marketed its image as a place of employment that cares about its baristas for a long time. It has only recently come to light some of the mistreatment baristas endure through the persistence of fellow baristas fighting for our labor rights through either attempting to or successfully organizing unions. As someone who works there as a second job, and lives with someone who works there as a primary job, I want to bring to light the true Starbucks “Employee” Experience. The individual I live with applied for a full time barista job on the company website. When discussing hours per week in the initial interview, they asked for at minimum 30 a week. The interviewer explained that this would be possible in time; however due to training it might be a slow start up. With the presumption it would not be too long of a duration, the…

Starbucks has successfully marketed its image as a place of employment that cares about its baristas for a long time. It has only recently come to light some of the mistreatment baristas endure through the persistence of fellow baristas fighting for our labor rights through either attempting to or successfully organizing unions. As someone who works there as a second job, and lives with someone who works there as a primary job, I want to bring to light the true Starbucks “Employee” Experience.

  • The individual I live with applied for a full time barista job on the company website. When discussing hours per week in the initial interview, they asked for at minimum 30 a week. The interviewer explained that this would be possible in time; however due to training it might be a slow start up. With the presumption it would not be too long of a duration, the individual accepted. It has been a long time. They have only gotten 20-25 hours.

  • Since they do not get enough hours, and my current position provides me flexibility, I took on Starbucks as a second job to basically subsidize their ability to pay their bills and eat. I do this because we are in a relationship and I am not going to watch my partner financially struggle when I can help.

  • Transportation has always been an issue. The downpayment for a car is there. However, the manager frequently complains about transportation despite not giving this individual reliable hours to budget nor finance a car. Imagine financing a car on 20-25 minimum wage hours a week?

  • “Minimum wage” doesn’t Starbucks pay more? One dollar over, which means nothing when no one other than SSV or SM are full time.

  • New baristas often are put on unfavorable positions for the duration of their shift which could be anywhere from 4-8 hours without moving positions. These positions or tasks include “window” where you are planted in one small area (not allowed to move from that bubble) with customers in one ear and drive through + co workers in another. Or, taking out trash, cleaning drains, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the back line and more.

  • There have been plenty of problems of SSV, who are basically floor managers, enjoying their power way too much. Making fun of peoples appearances, harassing baristas about how long they’ve been in unfavorable positions, and targeting what seems to be younger women or truly just girls aka high school or college girls (16-20). Some use intimidation and their authority for their own enjoyment to the extent you’re unsure if they’re getting off on it.

I must conclude this by saying Starbucks cultures vary by location. However, I’ve seen these as prevailing problems from many baristas who work at different locations and different shifts (morning, mid and evening). Do not let Starbucks marketing fool you. Honestly, I’ve seen other fast food places treat their employees better simply by giving them enough hours, ability for overtime and mostly adult managers who are more concerned with work proficiency (which is annoying in its own right) than borderline sexually harassing young women / girls with their authoritarian intimidation games.


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