
I finally had enough and am resigning

Thank you for the motivation to do this, community! I wouldn’t have had the actual push to do this without the posts, encouraging words or red flags of hostile conditions. But as of today I resigned from my disgusting inhumane job, turned the letter in to my boss and returned the keys for the office building. I now feel compelled to share my story. Things that I rather would not share, but feel the need to share. The bullying I experienced does not necessarily cause infringement of any laws because the business is small~ 17 people and if there are laws they are not applied. I have experienced discrimination against having a chronic illness (type 1 “juvenile” diabetes). I am told I am burdening the system by needing frequent breaks to use the bathroom, drink water, have a snack etc. Everytime I have had to step away I’ve been asked…

Thank you for the motivation to do this, community! I wouldn’t have had the actual push to do this without the posts, encouraging words or red flags of hostile conditions.

But as of today I resigned from my disgusting inhumane job, turned the letter in to my boss and returned the keys for the office building. I now feel compelled to share my story.

Things that I rather would not share, but feel the need to share. The bullying I experienced does not necessarily cause infringement of any laws because the business is small~ 17 people and if there are laws they are not applied.

I have experienced discrimination against having a chronic illness (type 1 “juvenile” diabetes). I am told I am burdening the system by needing frequent breaks to use the bathroom, drink water, have a snack etc. Everytime I have had to step away I’ve been asked why I don’t seek better therapeutic alternatives (cgm, pump, etc) but due to low wages and high copays, I’m not in a position where I can. And even if I was, it does not stop the problem entirely. I experience a low 2-3 times a month (non workplace or life threatening) and a high bg number every 2 months at most. None of of cost or lower performance other than going to the bubbler or sink for water. I may make a small typo when low when unable to move from my desk to correct it.

I’m denied doctors appointments unless it is ok per the boss which means appoints are either before or after work. , My doctors are top notch but not available after 5pm or 8am? and a few Saturdays. Except for emergencies or when I need to speak to a doctor. If I have to leave I am expected to make up the hours as I do not have pto until after my first year.

I qualify for fmla, but work does not offer it.

In addition, I along with others are berated at least twice a day for minuet things that often have nothing to do with work. Such as family and personal life, slurs about how their children are taken care of, life choices, the list goes on and on. I could write a series of novels for all of the things I have witnessed as well as experienced.

  1. I was yelled at for not putting a lab in the correct place. I was not trained for the position and just starting at the time.

  2. I am often in trouble and disciplined for actions I did not execute. I am simply tattled on by a coworker to my boss or my boss tattles to a doctor. I can plea my case all I want but no hr= no assistance, despite clear, concessive documentation.

  3. Told by employees that it was big of the boss to hire someone with diabetes because they know how much it can disrupt work. The boss has a connection with a type one diabetic. (I decline to not go further as I do not want to reveal myself).

  4. My colleagues have fixed hours. I am told to stay until all work is done for the day. This can mean 5, but I have stayed at work as late as 7:30. If overtime peaks too high, I have to rush to get out in a clear time. I have one 30 minute paid lunch, no breaks.

  5. Holidays are “paid” but not. Employees are required to work four 10 hour shifts to obtain holiday pay. If we call out the week of a holiday, we are not paid. If there is a snowstorm, hurricane, tornado etc and a direct threat is posed we are unpaid for the day as well.

  6. No employee handbook or policies.

  7. It’s taken a downturn, stress is high and I am now starting to experience ptsd symptoms because I stayed there thinking it would turn better. I experience night terrors to the point I wake up crying or screaming about something happening relating to the workplace. I also experience stress symptoms such as high blood pressure and heart palpitations. I have no underlying or preexisting conditions relating to cardiac. I have been admitted to the er several times with no findings other than stress.

  8. Also because benefits such as paid insurance, paid lunch and the positions themselves are held over employees heads. It gets to the point where I was bullied into not speaking to family about anything going on as it is a “hipaa” violation and I could be fired. But if it’s personal, and not involving a patient it is not hippa. I am seeing my pcp Tuesday and am resigning because I cannot take this anymore.

  9. I was accused of violating hippa three times. I have no evidence and several witnesses.

  10. There is a core group of people who carry out the bullying. They all have worked here 10-15+ years, the actions are neglected of those people.

I really need support, can anyone provide me with some links or support groups, even a suggestion. I am seeing my pcp on Tuesday to receive suggestions on therapy, or what I can do for income and healthcare support. 🙂

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