
Capitalism sucks

You are not a capitalist. You are a worker. Without you working, this system will remorselessly starve & kill you. Nobody will even notice, they will step right over you as you plead from your cardboard sign. If you pay bills with money from a paycheck, no matter what you drive or wear or fuck: you are a worker. You might be an extremely well-compensated worker who is able to obtain a premium for selling literal fragments of your finite existence, but you are still a worker. Do you enjoy having no control over your daily life while some bastard far away extracts & hordes nearly all the wealth you produce just to cruise on a yacht? Do something about it. Tell the others. MAKE A PLAN.

You are not a capitalist. You are a worker. Without you working, this system will remorselessly starve & kill you. Nobody will even notice, they will step right over you as you plead from your cardboard sign. If you pay bills with money from a paycheck, no matter what you drive or wear or fuck: you are a worker. You might be an extremely well-compensated worker who is able to obtain a premium for selling literal fragments of your finite existence, but you are still a worker. Do you enjoy having no control over your daily life while some bastard far away extracts & hordes nearly all the wealth you produce just to cruise on a yacht? Do something about it. Tell the others. MAKE A PLAN.

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