
My job is shafting me

A year ago I asked my job if they could give me a regular schedule because working different hours every week was fucking with my mental health. They then started scheduling me ONLY on Sundays for 4 hours at a time, which at the time was understandable, my aforementioned mental health was a struggle the first year I worked there, and because of the irregular hours I missed a share of shifts. But for the last year and a half, I have missed one shift because my car broke down. About 5 months ago, I asked if I could finally get more regular shifts in the week, to which they said, yes! But because it was winter, they didn't have many hours to give me. Which was completely bullshit. One of my shift managers ALWAYS managed to get me half a week of work when she was on (she was…

A year ago I asked my job if they could give me a regular schedule because working different hours every week was fucking with my mental health. They then started scheduling me ONLY on Sundays for 4 hours at a time, which at the time was understandable, my aforementioned mental health was a struggle the first year I worked there, and because of the irregular hours I missed a share of shifts. But for the last year and a half, I have missed one shift because my car broke down. About 5 months ago, I asked if I could finally get more regular shifts in the week, to which they said, yes! But because it was winter, they didn't have many hours to give me.

Which was completely bullshit. One of my shift managers ALWAYS managed to get me half a week of work when she was on (she was told to no longer give me shifts recently) and I showed up on time for each one. But the shift boss still refused to make it my regular schedule. I asked for 4 months straight, Hey I need more hours I can't live off this, when is that going to happen? Shift boss said “soon, don't worry.”

But then shift boss hires not one, not two, but THREE new fucking people in the last 4 months to take the shifts I've been fucking asking for for the last 5 months! It pisses me off so fucking much, because not only have I been asking, I get government benefits because I'm disabled, and my worker has been hounding them saying I need more hours to be able to fucking live, the job has fucking government insensitive to get me working at least 20 hours a week, I have been asking for more as an employee that the rest of the managers and staff have recognized as quite useful to have around (my job is lifting heavy things around the store and most of my co-workers are on the older and weaker side) but the fucking shift manager just won't give me more.

She said my hours would go up in February, and now that February has passed I'm still only scheduled once a fucking week, with the three new hires taking all the time I could have gotten.

And the final kick in the teeth? The third new hire, who's job description is lifting heavy objects, safety checking equipment and being safety guard while heavy machinery is in use in store, and sorting the various carts we have in store to the proper locations, hasn't been able to do any of that. When he gets called for heavy lifting, he isn't strong enough to do it. When he's safety guard, he fucking leaves the area which forces someone else to have to do it, when he's asked to do the safety check lists, he doesn't do any inspecting he just checks the boxes and leaves. When he's doing what is literally the main part of the job sorting carts, he ALWAYS puts them in the wrong spots, blocking product that CAN'T be blocked, blocking seating, and over filling the aisles preventing customers from entering. I and my other coworkers have told him MULTIPLE TIMES HOW TO DO HIS JOB, and a month in he still does nothing right.

I don't want to leave this job. It's easy, there's free food for employees, I get paid $18 an hour, but they just won't give me what I've been asking for. I NEED money. I NEED hours. 5 months into trying, and nothing to show for it but 3 new coworkers that I AM EXPECTED TO MONITOR as someone who's worked there almost 3 years. Pisses me off

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