
Please let me know if this is not the right place for this question, but I enjoy this sub and would appreciate your opinions.

So I will start with stating I really enjoy my job, feel I am fairly compensated and would recommend my employer. My issue is with my peers not the company. Yes I know that is a weird way to start a post here, but please here me out. Some quick relevant background. I (31f) have 6/7ish years of property management on my resume. I have been burned out by the industry due to poor working conditions and have changed industries and title. I am no longer a 'manager' but a 'senior admin'. I have no team reporting to me, but my job description deals with managerial admin duties. (Documented discussions, attendance, compliance metrics, ect.) The printed job description presented to me is not company issued and was made by the hiring manager and my direct boss. It stated as part of my duties to print certain reports from our payroll…

So I will start with stating I really enjoy my job, feel I am fairly compensated and would recommend my employer. My issue is with my peers not the company. Yes I know that is a weird way to start a post here, but please here me out.

Some quick relevant background. I (31f) have 6/7ish years of property management on my resume. I have been burned out by the industry due to poor working conditions and have changed industries and title. I am no longer a 'manager' but a 'senior admin'. I have no team reporting to me, but my job description deals with managerial admin duties. (Documented discussions, attendance, compliance metrics, ect.) The printed job description presented to me is not company issued and was made by the hiring manager and my direct boss. It stated as part of my duties to print certain reports from our payroll app that the company refuses to give my title access too, forcing me to have to use another's password to do so. I went to my boss about how that made me uncomfortable and now it is to the lead manager for shift to print these reports now. I work the night shift and my morning counter part trained me. She has 8 years with the company, 1.5 is this position, was handed shift that had beautiful compliance numbers to start, plus has been/ had training for a special assignment HR position. I had 2 weeks of watching her and a 2 day class before hitting the ground running. I was also hired on outside the company and a sr. Admin, while the person who trained me is a level 2. So she gets less pay and accrues PTO/ sick/ personal days slower than I. She had the opportunity to get the promotion, but what she told me during training was that she didn't want to have to deal with he issues my shift has and doesn't want the shift times. (I get off at 12:30am)

Ok now to my conundrum.

It took me 2 weeks to figure out that I'm in a toxic work environment. Everyone openly rips on one another's lunch choices, clothes and 'ability' to do ones job. None of it is constructive and even worse talk goes on behind everyone's back. I have been keeping my head down and ignoring it. Everyone does it to everyone else so there is not really 'bad apples' but the whole bunch already rotten. Retaliation would be fierce if I tried to stand up for another.

I will however burn the house down standing up for myself.

I took this week (day 1 of 9) of PTO after I started hearing all of the drama directed at me. Mainly managers that I work with daily and rely on their team work to do my job and the woman that trained me, fully and openly talking about my pay rate and how I make more than they do. I only know I make more then them because I can hear them while I'm at my cubicle. I have not looked into theirs because I gave up my access to be able to look at it. (The program the company refuses to give my title or my trainers access to. She uses a managers from her shift)

I truly don't care they are upset that I negotiated better then them. I have told my boss that my trainer deserves more pay as she wears 2 hats with the HR training. Of course this was before I heard her mouth running.

What I do care is that my duties are directly related to the managers. If my job is not completed it is due to the manager not giving me something or them flat out not doing their part of the job. They feel that because I make more than them I should do their part as well plus anything else they don't want to do'. My numbers are not where they should be because I am juggling 15 chunks of their jobs.

They expect me to be able to match performance with my trainer with out the training, proper communication between us, or them doing their part so I have to the time to commit to learning.

I feel myself going into protect mode. And have been stating my uncomfort to my lead manager. It has not helped.

Should I go to by direct boss? HR? (she is the only person besides my direct boss I trust at this point) or just call them all out calmly and professionally in our pre shift meeting? I am always offered the floor due to my need of constant communication but have not taken it recently due to the resentment.

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