
How do you deal with conflict?

currently working at a company where I haven't received my punch-in card since the 20th of October (i started working on the 10th, though it was training). I've gone to HR, gone to the badge office, supes, etc). This caused my hours to be messed up and the result being not paid for 20~ hours of work. I went to HR, where i was told to come there and pick it up. I go there and then I'm told It was mailed to me. I go home and check my mailbox and it's not there. they say my card was taken by my supervisor, but he said it wasn't on his desk. i have gone through this multiple times to make sure I'm not at fault (I've been texting my hours to a supervisor who's there with me daily. My actual supervisor was on vacation during this). I was going…

currently working at a company where I haven't received my punch-in card since the 20th of October (i started working on the 10th, though it was training). I've gone to HR, gone to the badge office, supes, etc). This caused my hours to be messed up and the result being not paid for 20~ hours of work. I went to HR, where i was told to come there and pick it up. I go there and then I'm told It was mailed to me. I go home and check my mailbox and it's not there. they say my card was taken by my supervisor, but he said it wasn't on his desk.

i have gone through this multiple times to make sure I'm not at fault (I've been texting my hours to a supervisor who's there with me daily. My actual supervisor was on vacation during this). I was going to go to higher management at the suggestion of my mother who works in HR, but as I was, my actual supervisor saw me and we talked.

Now, he was pretty confused and irritated, and I was still kinda second-guessing myself. “is this that serious?” I asked kyself. “am i truly faultless?”. I was nervous and didn't want to waste anyone's time. i understand my story pretty thoroughly, but the thought of raising my issue to higher management is pretty anxiety-inducing. You who are much more experienced at dealing with work-related conflict than i am, how do you stay relaxed?

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