
Permanent WFH is a great development, but is it temporary? (Outsourcing)

Once companies are truly comfortable with permanent remote work, it is just a short hop to start outsourcing those jobs to cheap-labor countries. This was going to happen anyway, but the pandemic has sped it up by many years. What happened with blue collar jobs is going to happen with white collar jobs. It is so much cheaper and easier to move a remote work white collar job than it was to move a factory. Get ready for the change individually, and fight against the change collectively.

Once companies are truly comfortable with permanent remote work, it is just a short hop to start outsourcing those jobs to cheap-labor countries. This was going to happen anyway, but the pandemic has sped it up by many years.

What happened with blue collar jobs is going to happen with white collar jobs. It is so much cheaper and easier to move a remote work white collar job than it was to move a factory.

Get ready for the change individually, and fight against the change collectively.

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