
Dealing with a micromanager boss trying to express way too much control?

She’s always been a micromanager. But this time she’s gone too far. She’s telling me I cannot leave work for lunch. I clock out for lunch. My time. Most times I go to my car, we only get a half hour. I can eat and smoke in peace in my car during my time. But now she’s telling me I cannot leave property. I got her to say so in e-mail. Should I forward it to HR, for them to correct her? Or hold it in my just in case/need blackmail file for later when needed? Clearly I’m going to continue doing what I like on my time and she can eat a dick.

She’s always been a micromanager. But this time she’s gone too far. She’s telling me I cannot leave work for lunch. I clock out for lunch. My time. Most times I go to my car, we only get a half hour. I can eat and smoke in peace in my car during my time. But now she’s telling me I cannot leave property.
I got her to say so in e-mail. Should I forward it to HR, for them to correct her? Or hold it in my just in case/need blackmail file for later when needed?

Clearly I’m going to continue doing what I like on my time and she can eat a dick.

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