
Question for you all…

Hi everyone, So I'm a Residential Support Coordinator (basically I'm the supervisor) for two adult group homes in Portland. Our homes support people living with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. I have a shift that's 16 hours Fri-Sat from 6am-10pm, and I've noticed people get really excited about the idea of working two days a week, having full benefits, etc. What actually has happened is someone gets hired, is stoked for a month or two, and then suddenly burns out. I consider my primary job to be keeping my staff feeling supported, not burned out, and feeling confident to work autonomously. I really care about them and am really sad about the recent loss. Obviously I havent given much detail about the care supports, other staff, what it's ACTUALLY like to work under me. Typically however, we have the highest staffing of all the homes. Our recruiter is a fool so…

Hi everyone,

So I'm a Residential Support Coordinator (basically I'm the supervisor) for two adult group homes in Portland. Our homes support people living with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. I have a shift that's 16 hours Fri-Sat from 6am-10pm, and I've noticed people get really excited about the idea of working two days a week, having full benefits, etc. What actually has happened is someone gets hired, is stoked for a month or two, and then suddenly burns out.

I consider my primary job to be keeping my staff feeling supported, not burned out, and feeling confident to work autonomously. I really care about them and am really sad about the recent loss. Obviously I havent given much detail about the care supports, other staff, what it's ACTUALLY like to work under me. Typically however, we have the highest staffing of all the homes. Our recruiter is a fool so I literally have found most of my staff on my own. The one who just left said they like me a lot, they love the guys (who we support) but they just have too many personal things going on.

I was hoping even though many of you have worked in different fields, assuming you generally liked your job, duties, and peers/boss- how many hours would you want to work? 30 hours a week nets everyone full time status for benefits, over 40 gets OT. Some staff only want to work 30, some want to work until there eyes bleed (and I cap them because I know it isn't healthy- it's usually the older folks doing this). Any suggestions on schedules that are best? 4 on, 3 off seems nice for many.

I wish there was more I could do to make everyone happy, and I understand this field isn't for everyone, but I'm definitely going to keep looking for opportunities to make these homes a fun, safe, and respectable place to work. Is there anything you, your peers or supervisor has done that made a huge improvement in your workplace (or inadvertently, your personal life)? Any suggestions are appreciated.

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