
Hey Americans, Europe is not the social democratic paradise you think it is. Sorry to ruin your utopian beliefs

As a Dutch man, it infuriates me when I see Americans talk about how utopian western Europe is. We are still wage slaves here. We will still waste our one and only life toiling for the billionaires. There is still a massive suicide, drug addiction, and homeless problem here. Is it better than your dystopian capitalist nightmare hellscape. Sure Do we have fulfilling and happy lives. No We just have free doctors and make 18 an hour instead of 12 Thanks for coming to my TED talk

As a Dutch man, it infuriates me when I see Americans talk about how utopian western Europe is.

We are still wage slaves here.

We will still waste our one and only life toiling for the billionaires.

There is still a massive suicide, drug addiction, and homeless problem here.

Is it better than your dystopian capitalist nightmare hellscape. Sure

Do we have fulfilling and happy lives. No

We just have free doctors and make 18 an hour instead of 12

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

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