
I would rather that you be here asleep and available than telework from home .

We have 7males in my office over 50 , even when they were told to not come in on the same day all 5 came in morning abs afternoon. There are two females under 50 and we love teleworking . We also work 4 10 hour days and take Fridays off. Last week boss comes out and declares we must come in every day and not take our extra day off . He tells us that everyone, meaning the guys , are in the office and it looks bad for us to be out . Our company has a telework policy that encourages telework and even states it’s preferred. When I point this out I am told that the last boss asked them to report every 15 min what they were doing while teleworking, which is before we proved we could telework. I have anxiety issues and do not feel…

We have 7males in my office over 50 , even when they were told to not come in on the same day all 5 came in morning abs afternoon. There are two females under 50 and we love teleworking . We also work 4 10 hour days and take Fridays off. Last week boss comes out and declares we must come in every day and not take our extra day off . He tells us that everyone, meaning the guys , are in the office and it looks bad for us to be out . Our company has a telework policy that encourages telework and even states it’s preferred. When I point this out I am told that the last boss asked them to report every 15 min what they were doing while teleworking, which is before we proved we could telework. I have anxiety issues and do not feel comfortable in an open work space , especially when I am alone . So when my work is done for the day I go home and work in my home office , I am not triggered and no one is interrupting me every five minutes. I point out that the guys in the office are asleep at their desks and I don’t think them sleeping is more productive than me working. Boss said he would rather someone be at their desk and be accessible, I can not leave when I am the only one in the office and triggered and telework, I came in when he was promoted . There is one person out and one retiring next month, I told him I was not doing the work of three people and he said it was not the work of three people and then proceeded to tell me how he had done it . I reluctantly explained I had anxiety issues and telework was one of the reasons I took this job as was the flexible schedule. Despite it being the policy of the company he would not budge but under his breath asked in a snarky way if I had a reasonable accommodation and if not he wanted me in the office 5 days a week to sit in a desk with the guys I work with, even if we are not doing anything. We talked about how things had changed and how telework helped people balance their lives and things were changing. He was so ridiculous and refused to budge on anything, my company promotes . I got mad and wanted to walk out the door but instead I filed a reasonable accommodation with HD , they called him to find out why he was not letting me
Telework or use my flexible work week. My teammates say they do not care that they know I do my work regardless.
It’s all about his power trip and control . So angry . When I get my reasonable accommodation approved he is going to be pissed but all I could think about was someone else having to fight this battle and his unwillingness to accept diversity on his team , and I will be Protected with the ADA act and he can’t
Hit my yearly performance review . I just can’t believe he thinks this way , so frustrating!!! His boss told him the same thing about telework and she does it all the time.

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