
Another story for my ex-job and dumb ex-boss

This is turning into therapy for me haha. But this one isn't about me so much. if you didn't read a previous installment of my saga. My ex-boss bought the company I worked at in June and ran it into the ground but also treated us like crap while doing it. So… My last day at work was January 11th. I never got my pay stub for Jan 1st so I requested it for unemployment reasons. By doing that he somehow sent all of the other employee's paystubs through the store's email. Well, another one of my co-workers never got theirs so they went to print it out. That's when they found out (should have known way sooner if you ask me but whatever) that their pay had been cut from 18 to 16.5. So my last day was fun. I got to watch him stutter explaining to her that…

This is turning into therapy for me haha. But this one isn't about me so much. if you didn't read a previous installment of my saga. My ex-boss bought the company I worked at in June and ran it into the ground but also treated us like crap while doing it. So…

My last day at work was January 11th. I never got my pay stub for Jan 1st so I requested it for unemployment reasons. By doing that he somehow sent all of the other employee's paystubs through the store's email.

Well, another one of my co-workers never got theirs so they went to print it out. That's when they found out (should have known way sooner if you ask me but whatever) that their pay had been cut from 18 to 16.5.

So my last day was fun. I got to watch him stutter explaining to her that she was never supposed to make 18 and those months she made 18 were a mistake on the part of the payroll. he even tried to blame her for not coming to him sooner to bring up the 18. Mind u, she was supposed to have 18 and he never went to her about the mistake before cutting it behind her back.

So flash forward to everyone quitting and her being the last person there other than the owner and his son. And he then offers her 17.5 to stick around. Not even the original 18 she had for the holiday. She put in her two weeks notice and after the 17.5 checks, her last check was 17 an hr.

If that isn't bad enough. When I was helping her do a wage claim later. She sent me all her paystubs from Oct to now and WOW. The first week she was supposed to get 18, he gave her was 16.50. he then paid her in a check for the difference to equal the 18. The next two checks were for the 18. Here is when it gets weird. Dec 15th her pay went down to 15.75. Jan 1st up to 16.50 (no mention to her, he just went into her account and changed them), Jan 15th the 17.5 for losing me and others. Then ended on Feb 1st with 17 even because apparently he thinks when you quit he can just go in and change your pay whenever he wants.

Now she is waiting here back but when she gave him a text about it he tells her that it was her fault for not telling him and he never even told her she was going to make 18. The best part was how he only offered her 18 when I quit in Jan. Obviously from the paragraph above he never even paid her 18 so he is obviously lying. Then he accused her of tampering with the timecard and threatened criminal action on the black female employee he was gaslighting just to truly double down on being an awful human being.

Also just because. he gave two employees a Christmas bonus last year. The guy got 50 bucks and this employee he ended up ripping off got 25 bucks…

Oh well if you read my last story you will see that it's just him and his son. 7 days a week, 9 hr shifts. Every… Single… day…

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