
Hate your job? Don’t wash your uniform

Edit: I do in fact shower everyday and I wear clean clothes under my uniform, Im specifically talking about our work shirts and hats, which we are forced to buy out of pocket, and forced to wear when they are disgusting anyways if we cant get new ones on the spot. Please know this isn’t a serious suggestion for anyone else lmao original post: I live in an HCOL with bad public transit and no car. Im 20yo, in school, poor, physically disabled, autistic, and transgender. I currently work 40h a week at a very well known fast food chain, that I have to walk everyday to, get misgendered and ridiculed (for things like lack of eye contact, stuttering, needed a knee brace etc) at every shift, and Im paid shit for it. You could say Im not very enthused waking up on work days. So, how do I cope…

Edit: I do in fact shower everyday and I wear clean clothes under my uniform, Im specifically talking about our work shirts and hats, which we are forced to buy out of pocket, and forced to wear when they are disgusting anyways if we cant get new ones on the spot. Please know this isn’t a serious suggestion for anyone else lmao

original post:

I live in an HCOL with bad public transit and no car. Im 20yo, in school, poor, physically disabled, autistic, and transgender.
I currently work 40h a week at a very well known fast food chain, that I have to walk everyday to, get misgendered and ridiculed (for things like lack of eye contact, stuttering, needed a knee brace etc) at every shift, and Im paid shit for it. You could say Im not very enthused waking up on work days.

So, how do I cope with this?
I don’t wash my work clothes.

No, I wont waste my time or water for your stupid company when you gave me 2 hours max of training and no accommodations.
Don’t like how I smell? Too bad. Im pretty sure the broken sink dousing me when I do dishes every shift counts as getting them clean, right? Also the times ive been locked in the freezer for 15 mins must have killed some germs ya know, and Im for sure going to smell like BO no matter what with the kitchen being 80 degrees…
So l will put no more effort into my appearance then absolutely required, not gonna give them an ounce more of my autonomy then I have to.
I shower and change into clothes I actually like at home on my free time, not in preparation for an 8 hour shift ill have to be covered in grease and food scraps, soap water, and sweat regardless at.
So for the many others in similar positions to me, give it a try at your shitty service job, might make you feel just a tad better.

(Clarification) This is mostly a joke suggestion, but I do actually do this myself, and it does make me feel better. Your fast food job can point it out if they want but cant actually do anything about it, so have some fun being annoying.

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