
bummed out over workplace bully

How do you handle an office bully saleperson when your manager says that's how all sales people treat your department? I don't want to go to HR. I love the job, love the company, don't love putting up with this bully who tears me apart over things that are not my fault? For reference,the salesperson (we will call her Sarah) didn't give wording she wanted to be changed on the contract from the start. She asked for a word change… on a word that was mentioned multiple times in the paragraph in question. I made an educated guess, and she responded in the same 10 seconds I sent my edit suggestion with what she wanted. Ok cool, that's what she meant? No problem, I will get right on that. Unfortunately, because she clarified RIGHT after I made my guess, she responded lashing out complaining how she told me what she…

How do you handle an office bully saleperson when your manager says that's how all sales people treat your department? I don't want to go to HR. I love the job, love the company, don't love putting up with this bully who tears me apart over things that are not my fault?

For reference,the salesperson (we will call her Sarah) didn't give wording she wanted to be changed on the contract from the start. She asked for a word change… on a word that was mentioned multiple times in the paragraph in question. I made an educated guess, and she responded in the same 10 seconds I sent my edit suggestion with what she wanted. Ok cool, that's what she meant? No problem, I will get right on that.

Unfortunately, because she clarified RIGHT after I made my guess, she responded lashing out complaining how she told me what she wanted to be altered, demanding an explanation of how on earth I came to my conclusion since CLEARLY she told me what she wanted. I explained what happened, that the e-mails had come hard and fast and response times got a bit jumbled, assuring things would be done as she needed as soon as I got authorization for the change.

She didn't like that answer, demanding again for an explanation of how I came to such an absurd conclusion, and asking where the paperwork was. I explained there was a delay due to me asking a question about it to my boss, as it changed wording I can't change without additional paperwork, typically. Then the saleswoman went to her boss and had HIM ask where the paperwork was. I assured him the same thing, as soon as I had an answer and made sure it was all perfect, they'd get their bloody paperwork (but in nicer wording of course).

It wouldn't have bothered me so much, it was just a goof up in e-mails. No biggie. But this was just ONE example in a pattern of snide comments, passive aggressive responses, and outright nastiness I have endured from Sarah. I am not her only victim, either. She accused someone else in my department of lying about paperwork being worked on a few months ago. This person just turns nasty on us all the time over stuff that isn't our fault.

I talked to my supervisor who basically told me that it's how the salespeople treat everyone in my department and so there is nothing I can do about it. I have been depressed and exhausted all weekend over this. As I said, I don't want to go to HR, and my supervisor basically said they can't help me. I've only had this job for a few months, so too soon to transfer to a different department, either.

Advice appreciated.

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