
I think everyone in this sub is qualified to apply for this scab job.

I work at the newly bought Eaton plant in Iowa. They bought us from a holding company, that had bought us even earlier, for 2.8 BILLION dollars. Just in 3Q 2021 just our facility gave them 170 million in PROFITS. Now, as we are entering the third week of the strike they are hiring not just temporary replacement workers, but permanent ones. They are sending nasty letters in the mail to intimidate us into crossing the picket line. Saying that our jobs aren't guaranteed under the law and that we have until the 9th to go back to work. They have cut off our health care. They have brought in about 50 temps, lol we are around 350, to do out work. As much as I despise the US military industrial complex, we make life support equipment, so while it contributes to any war or imperial effort, I still want…

I work at the newly bought Eaton plant in Iowa. They bought us from a holding company, that had bought us even earlier, for 2.8 BILLION dollars. Just in 3Q 2021 just our facility gave them 170 million in PROFITS.

Now, as we are entering the third week of the strike they are hiring not just temporary replacement workers, but permanent ones. They are sending nasty letters in the mail to intimidate us into crossing the picket line. Saying that our jobs aren't guaranteed under the law and that we have until the 9th to go back to work. They have cut off our health care. They have brought in about 50 temps, lol we are around 350, to do out work. As much as I despise the US military industrial complex, we make life support equipment, so while it contributes to any war or imperial effort, I still want our troops to stay alive. Bringing in scabs with little training is a huge safety risk to anyone flying with one of our harnesses, oxygen regulators, fuel tank innerting systems, or mid air refuel pod.

We worked tirelessly through the pandemic eating cold cut sandwiches after they closed the kitchen and cafeteria, took away the vending machines and microwaves. Doing work that can't be done from home in situations where distancing is impossible. Now they want to slash our healthcare, 401k, and only offer a 2.5% wage increase.

So I'm just wondering if that application bot still exists, or if someone else with the know how can find some praxis in their heart to crash or spam their applications to help us stand strong with solidarity. Please feel free to apply yourselves below or if you can find any other links.

More in the comments.

Much love and solidarity, comrades.

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