
America’s staggering inequality, national security, and WW3

I'm curious if any armchair theorists, think tanks, or other policy wonk's have given any thought about how America's response to Covid (rampant housing insecurity, 0 worker protections, unaffordable healthcare, etc.) has proven to malicious actors just how susceptible this country is to bioweapons. Workers who are afraid/unable to call out sick, people afraid of going to the doctor because either insane bills or threat of deportation, and a vast indigent population that ensures the pathogen remains endemic, all ensure maximum infection; and this is before throwing in a veritable army of morons screaming “Muh Freedom” who actively sabotage public health campaigns. As we stare down the barrel of a possible World War 3, many people think that nukes will be involved. My hypothesis is that if the top 100 oligarchs in Russia have less money than the top 3 oligarchs in the USA, Putin will release some forgotten horror…

I'm curious if any armchair theorists, think tanks, or other policy wonk's have given any thought about how America's response to Covid (rampant housing insecurity, 0 worker protections, unaffordable healthcare, etc.) has proven to malicious actors just how susceptible this country is to bioweapons.

Workers who are afraid/unable to call out sick, people afraid of going to the doctor because either insane bills or threat of deportation, and a vast indigent population that ensures the pathogen remains endemic, all ensure maximum infection; and this is before throwing in a veritable army of morons screaming “Muh Freedom” who actively sabotage public health campaigns.

As we stare down the barrel of a possible World War 3, many people think that nukes will be involved. My hypothesis is that if the top 100 oligarchs in Russia have less money than the top 3 oligarchs in the USA, Putin will release some forgotten horror from the only other L5 containment facility on the planet and let American-Style Capitalism do the dirty work. All out of revenge for being sanctioned and to prove which “Oligarchy” is the real threat to organized society.

It's just a thought. Y'all have a good day.

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