My wife and I both lost our jobs due to the business giving higher and higher expectations back in july of 2020. We could no longer keep up and our numbers slipped under what was 'acceptable'.
We've been applying everywhere we can but havent heard back from anyone. I'm starting to get calls back now but it is to late. Our government assitance has run out.
We can't afford our rent this month and are already behind on electric and phone bills.
Doordash and uber have kept one meal a day on the table for us both but we're out of options.
We've decided to buy a tent, sell anything of value (a few game consoles and a small t.v.) and find a place that we can hunker down.
Fingers crossed a job comes in soon and this is only temporary.
Her family is unsupportive cause we're two woman and my family is close to the same boat.
Wish us luck