
There is record breaking floods where I live but my boss insisted we all come in anyway.

So if you live along the east coast of Australia you know how bad the rain has been. At the school I teach at half the roads in are flooded and the school feels like its half underwater. Naturally the principal closed the school to all but essential staff and children who for whatever reason can't stay home. Teachers were allowed to stay home and teach their classes online like we did during lockdown. However my departments boss is a power tripping asshole. She insisted all of us come in because if she could make it so could we. She lives up a hill 5 minutes from the school. Some of us live on the otherside of flooded rivers. I decided that I wasn't going to risk the roads as my car isn't 4wd and is in no way designed to get through water. I got called with her screaming…

So if you live along the east coast of Australia you know how bad the rain has been. At the school I teach at half the roads in are flooded and the school feels like its half underwater. Naturally the principal closed the school to all but essential staff and children who for whatever reason can't stay home. Teachers were allowed to stay home and teach their classes online like we did during lockdown.

However my departments boss is a power tripping asshole. She insisted all of us come in because if she could make it so could we. She lives up a hill 5 minutes from the school. Some of us live on the otherside of flooded rivers. I decided that I wasn't going to risk the roads as my car isn't 4wd and is in no way designed to get through water. I got called with her screaming at me (apparently only one of us showed up).

So yeah apparently because I didn't want to risk flooded roads I'm an asshole and a poor excuse of a teacher despite the fact I taught all my classes from home alongside 90% of the teachers. I've reported her behaviour to the Deputy so hopefully something happens.

As a side note she said she expected me to be in tomorrow. We'll see what happens.

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