
Ugh, Chick-Fil-A Managers. -_-

I'm literally a Former Chick-Fil-A Worker since I walked into work back in February looking for my usual assignment which is putting things into bins “what the bin thing is known for is to put kids toys and salad dressings in their bags and placing them into their bins”, found them behind the kiddie slides and couldn't get them out “since they were out of reach”. So I'm like “Okay, I'll go get the bins up front” and I walked out of the kids playroom and as I was turning right to get to the counter that I was stopped by one of the managers and she told me in quote “We're gonna move you up front because you're using your phone too much” and I kind of got uptight over it and was also told that they're gonna keep a “watchful eye” in making sure that I'm not using…

I'm literally a Former Chick-Fil-A Worker since I walked into work back in February looking for my usual assignment which is putting things into bins “what the bin thing is known for is to put kids toys and salad dressings in their bags and placing them into their bins”, found them behind the kiddie slides and couldn't get them out “since they were out of reach”.

So I'm like “Okay, I'll go get the bins up front” and I walked out of the kids playroom and as I was turning right to get to the counter that I was stopped by one of the managers and she told me in quote “We're gonna move you up front because you're using your phone too much” and I kind of got uptight over it and was also told that they're gonna keep a “watchful eye” in making sure that I'm not using and well, things got out of hand on both ends

I pretty much resigned from my job and now Idk what to do, all I have is a worthless High School Diploma and not that many skills and or any other kind of training.

Anybody else at my workplace location had no issue with me but only ONE manager had to ruin it in the end which caused my resignation. -_-

Side Note: This happened Months ago since I was putting away the Toy bins just to get to the Salad Packet bins and was told to “keep on filling them” despite it was full so I kept on moving but the Manager TRIED to BLOCK my path “like, is a manager suppose/allowed to even do that” but I was able to get through and put away one of the toy bins, told her right in face that I only listen to one of the other managers and she got annoyed and went to the other manager I prefer to work with and she was going off about it and both made a Compromise in took most of the filled bags from the one bins and kept one side full and the rest Empty, the manager I like to work with went to me and told me to just keep on filling up and that other manager following and might of thought “ha, should of listened to me IDIOT and I won your little argument” but eh. Then months later she came up to get one of my bins and told me the same thing “just keep on filling the bins” Despite AGAIN that it was full and I was like,” Just doing it to MAKE you happy.”

“ugh” managers, some you just don't really want to tolerate that want to be pretty crappy but hey, it's best to leave an environment with their fake smiles, so called positive attitudes, and etc.

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