
They offered me far less on paper than what they said during the interview

English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes. This was a few months ago when I was unemployed and needed any type of job – badly. A friend of a friend said that his work is recruiting and that it pays well, so I said “sure, why not”. FYI, it was an American company that was outsourcing in Europe. The friend of a friend told me to call him when I send over my CV and I did, then 15 mins later I was scheduled an interview for the next day. I thought that he had pulled some strings to get it going faster (which I hate when people do that) but he had no idea. I go on the interview, the person from HR was okay, but it was then that they seemed a bit fishy. They didn't walk me through my responsibilities, barely asked any…

English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.

This was a few months ago when I was unemployed and needed any type of job – badly. A friend of a friend said that his work is recruiting and that it pays well, so I said “sure, why not”. FYI, it was an American company that was outsourcing in Europe. The friend of a friend told me to call him when I send over my CV and I did, then 15 mins later I was scheduled an interview for the next day. I thought that he had pulled some strings to get it going faster (which I hate when people do that) but he had no idea.

I go on the interview, the person from HR was okay, but it was then that they seemed a bit fishy. They didn't walk me through my responsibilities, barely asked any questions about me and my resume, the interview took 15 mins and it was basically them telling me I'll be working USA hours (which are night time here) and making $800 a month (where I live, that's not little). They told me I have 3-4 days to think about it and they would call me back then to ask me for my final decision. We said goodbye and I went home. I live less than 10 mins away from their office. As soon as I entered, they called me to ask me if I had made my final decision. I said “er… I just left the office, I barely got in through the door home, you said I'd have 3-4 days?” They said, “Yes but we are really impressed by your skillset and we'd like you to work for us!” “Okay, I accept the offer” “Great, we'll send you the email now for your signature.”
And there it was. Not $800, but $400. I called them back and asked if there was a miscommunication among any of us and they said that because I didn't accept it right then, they had to offer me less.

It was the best fuck you I ever told them over the phone because it just showed how much you don't give a flying duck about your employees or anyone else. The job was severely underpaid as it is because it was outsourced but $400 a month? What am I gonna do, live off of air? I absolutely hate this so much.

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