
Do I have a case for an unlawful termination suit?

I'll try to keep this short and somewhat vague so as to not reveal too much personal info. Where I work right now I have my own room that people in my office can come into when they need my services. All of my supplies and equipment are stored in this room with me. I recently had a meeting with my boss where we discussed changes for the office that would be implemented in August. The major change is that they have decided they need my room for other purposes, and are moving me and all my supplies (~100lbs easily) to a cart that I would push around to others' offices when they need my services. Our office does not have an elevator and I would be expected multiple times a day to move my cart by myself up and down an entire flight of stairs to get to the…

I'll try to keep this short and somewhat vague so as to not reveal too much personal info.

Where I work right now I have my own room that people in my office can come into when they need my services. All of my supplies and equipment are stored in this room with me. I recently had a meeting with my boss where we discussed changes for the office that would be implemented in August. The major change is that they have decided they need my room for other purposes, and are moving me and all my supplies (~100lbs easily) to a cart that I would push around to others' offices when they need my services. Our office does not have an elevator and I would be expected multiple times a day to move my cart by myself up and down an entire flight of stairs to get to the offices of people who need me.

My boss knows this is not a viable option for me as I have a diagnosed disability that would make this extremely difficult if not completely impossible. During our meeting it seemed as if she was goading me into quitting, or expecting me to quit very soon. She made it fairly obvious (though never outright said) she already had someone else in mind for the position that would be willing to push the cart. Through all of this she never did explicitly say that I was being terminated, only that she sincerely hoped I would still be willing to stay on until August.

My plan right now is of course not to quit and to let them fire me so I can collect unemployment. However, I'm wondering if I also have a case for unlawful termination if they decide to fire me based upon not being willing to push the cart. Would this fall under failing to meet reasonable accommodations? It's not only that I don't want to push this cart around, I am physically unable to.

I'm worried the only reason I may not have a case is because they have already essentially decided to replace me, and may be able to cite other reasons for firing because of that.

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