
My work threatens to not pay us for bathroom breaks

My work has gone through some awful new policies lately . But this latest change is ridiculous. As someone with IBS I frequent the restroom and often take 10+ minutes. And it’s just embarrassing to know that they have to do a smell test now. I honestly have to change my diet now to hope that I won’t smell as bad as I normally do with my bathroom breaks. I will probably also have to stop going to Starbucks before work because it’s known to make me need to use the restroom within my first hour at work. I need to find a better job.

My work has gone through some awful new policies lately . But this latest change is ridiculous. As someone with IBS I frequent the restroom and often take 10+ minutes. And it’s just embarrassing to know that they have to do a smell test now. I honestly have to change my diet now to hope that I won’t smell as bad as I normally do with my bathroom breaks. I will probably also have to stop going to Starbucks before work because it’s known to make me need to use the restroom within my first hour at work.

I need to find a better job.

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