
Another Post from Central PA – Postal Worker Edition

tw animal death, proposed cruelty to animals So we have a problem in our neighborhood with these 2 dogs getting loose. They're aggressive dogs, they attacked and killed a small dog and somehow the owners were allowed to get them back. These dogs are menaces, cops won't do anything (shocker, I know). They get out periodically and we just sort of have an agreement that we all warn each other about these dogs. Even people who can't stand each other are decent enough about that. A couple of days ago, I was coming back from a trip to the store with my kid and mom. I had mace and a baseball bat just in case, because my kid is tiny and my mom's elderly. We got into the yard without an issue. Then I saw a postal worker delivering mail. I immediately warn her about the dog, and this dog,…

tw animal death, proposed cruelty to animals

So we have a problem in our neighborhood with these 2 dogs getting loose. They're aggressive dogs, they attacked and killed a small dog and somehow the owners were allowed to get them back. These dogs are menaces, cops won't do anything (shocker, I know). They get out periodically and we just sort of have an agreement that we all warn each other about these dogs. Even people who can't stand each other are decent enough about that.

A couple of days ago, I was coming back from a trip to the store with my kid and mom. I had mace and a baseball bat just in case, because my kid is tiny and my mom's elderly. We got into the yard without an issue. Then I saw a postal worker delivering mail. I immediately warn her about the dog, and this dog, as if on cue, pops out from between houses because he heard people talking.

I tell the poor postal worker, who looks like a ghost at this point, to jump the fence into our yard. (The gate was past the dog, so she couldn't come in that way) I now have a postal worker in my yard, and a very pissed off dog outside the fence, barking at us.

The postal worker calls 911 on speaker about the dog. The dispatcher tells her “Yeah, the cops are done trying to find the dog”. Basically “fuck you, you're on your own.” The postal worker then calls her boss, on speaker again. She explains the situation, the dog is barking loudly and the boss can hear this. Her boss tells her “Well, just spray (mace) the dog and run.”

I looked at her in shock and she just shrugged. When she hung up, I had to ask “Soooo do they not give a shit, orrrrrrr…?” She told me this is normal, they're on their own most of the time. Thankfully, a coworker who's a shift supervisor told her not to worry, he'd pick her up. She was so shaken she couldn't finish her route, and I don't blame her. To be told to just mace a dog and run rather than the supervisor doing something is demoralizing as hell, along with the trauma of a dog trying to attack you and all that's between you and them is a chain link fence the damn thing could probably jump.

So yeah, there's another tale from Central PA of how work sucks and your bosses could NOT care less about you no matter where you are. Special shoutout to that supervisor, fuck you, I hope you get blisters on your heel from every pair of shoes you ever own, you asshole.

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