
I can’t afford to go to my free doctor

I make so little that I qualify for free healthcare. Sounds pretty good, right? Too bad the system is so incredibly flawed that it actively discourages you from using it, to the point where you'd wonder if that's the purpose anyway. A nurse friend explained it to me clearly one day. State healthcare doesn't give nearly as much money as private insurance. Doctors who are used to earning a lot of money make up for it by taking on so many patients that they can't possibly give quality care to them all. They're also incentived to add diagnostics in order to give each visit a higher payout. The end result is a private practice where you have to wait hours past your appointment time, to see someone for 5 minutes and they only see you as a means to a government check. They prescribe all sorts of tests which take…

I make so little that I qualify for free healthcare. Sounds pretty good, right? Too bad the system is so incredibly flawed that it actively discourages you from using it, to the point where you'd wonder if that's the purpose anyway.

A nurse friend explained it to me clearly one day. State healthcare doesn't give nearly as much money as private insurance. Doctors who are used to earning a lot of money make up for it by taking on so many patients that they can't possibly give quality care to them all. They're also incentived to add diagnostics in order to give each visit a higher payout.

The end result is a private practice where you have to wait hours past your appointment time, to see someone for 5 minutes and they only see you as a means to a government check. They prescribe all sorts of tests which take you to similar overcrowded offices.

Wanna check that mole? You'd better have three working days to spare. Too bad I need all my working days to work so that I can barely make rent.

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