
What goes through your mind trying to schedule doctor appointments with your job? Or that you can’t schedule them at all?

My roommate tells me to get a better job as I get paid minimum wage. I had to explain I have two jobs that I can finally schedule doctor appointments without days off. I would often get asked how much PTO I have left last year with my schedule with the last two jobs I had. otherwise I am not getting paid for calling out. My medical procedures are mostly not covered which means I lose more than what the procedure cost me. Last year I had two jobs and no ability to do these appointments without the days off. These two I have work with doctor appointments on my off time. I only have one day off that I take care of laundry and other chores.

My roommate tells me to get a better job as I get paid minimum wage. I had to explain I have two jobs that I can finally schedule doctor appointments without days off. I would often get asked how much PTO I have left last year with my schedule with the last two jobs I had. otherwise I am not getting paid for calling out. My medical procedures are mostly not covered which means I lose more than what the procedure cost me. Last year I had two jobs and no ability to do these appointments without the days off. These two I have work with doctor appointments on my off time. I only have one day off that I take care of laundry and other chores.

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