
Quietly quitting

I have been working for a company for close to two years and moved up the latter quickly. I had the corporate wool over my eyes so to speak and I thought this would be the place I put my roots down. Then little by little I started seeing the politics. Fast forward to now, I hate my job and my management team. I was always helping out others with their work, always going the extra mile, and genuinely putting my best foot forward for my company and my team I led. I got called in a few weeks ago and got surprised put on a corrective action (level 2 out of 3). To say I was shocked was an understatement. (I was written up because someone on my team misunderstood something and was doing their job wrong. They wanted me to write them up but I said I wouldn't…

I have been working for a company for close to two years and moved up the latter quickly. I had the corporate wool over my eyes so to speak and I thought this would be the place I put my roots down. Then little by little I started seeing the politics. Fast forward to now, I hate my job and my management team. I was always helping out others with their work, always going the extra mile, and genuinely putting my best foot forward for my company and my team I led. I got called in a few weeks ago and got surprised put on a corrective action (level 2 out of 3). To say I was shocked was an understatement. (I was written up because someone on my team misunderstood something and was doing their job wrong. They wanted me to write them up but I said I wouldn't because it should be okay to make mistakes. CLEARLY NOT.)

Now I show up for work and do the bare minimum. I take care of what I need to, but will not go out of my way to help others complete their work, or reach out to see of anyone needs help. I clock in, keep my head down, and clock out. I've been applying to other jobs like crazy as well.

I came across a tiktok (link in comments) that explained this was quietly quitting. Unfortunately we don't all have the luxury of up and leaving our jobs. But we can do what we need to to keep it until we can jump ship.

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