
Banks vs Workers

Why can banks create Money out of thin air through “Credit” and make profit out of it by sucking value from the rest of society? They are stealing from us with the Government's blessing for the benefit of a few scammers. Why do we all have to work hard and long, pay taxes, and get robbed while a few stakeholders get all the money and power? Even the crazy rent cost because of the way they F***ed housing. This is not Capitalism, this is something far worse. I say F this system, we should at least get UBI (Universal Basic Income), free healthcare, free education (not only elementary and secondary education but also higher education), and there should be no homelessness (public housing). We have to stop this insanity.

Why can banks create Money out of thin air through “Credit” and make profit out of it by sucking value from the rest of society? They are stealing from us with the Government's blessing for the benefit of a few scammers.

Why do we all have to work hard and long, pay taxes, and get robbed while a few stakeholders get all the money and power? Even the crazy rent cost because of the way they F***ed housing. This is not Capitalism, this is something far worse.

I say F this system, we should at least get UBI (Universal Basic Income), free healthcare, free education (not only elementary and secondary education but also higher education), and there should be no homelessness (public housing).

We have to stop this insanity.

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