I’m done. I’m done working these shtty jobs that don’t pay enough for basic necessities. I’m done living this shtty poor lifestyle with NOTHING going for me and NOTHING to show for it. I’m done.
I’ve considered becoming a dope dealer to make ends meet. It wouldn’t be very difficult once I’ve found a crowd to bargain with. Ny only fear is getting caught by the feds.
The reward is not greater than the risk though by the looks of it. I’m looking at (at least) 5 years.
However, if I do get away with it, my life could improve drastically. I could finally move out of my parents house and possibly find a gf. I would no longer be a broke boy. I could buy my first car. I could live on my own.
By the looks of it, it’s going to take me 5-6 months to buy a decent car that runs for $2,000. 6 months is a long time.