
Not sure how to approach this situation.

My work motivation is wrecked. I [33F] have been working at a company for 7 years now. In my career overall, I have 12 years experience and numerous qualifications. I work my butt off. I still feel like I am worth more, but it is something the company is discussing with employees at the moment due to record turnovers in recent years despite COVID etc… On Friday I found out that a colleague has been promoted “in secret” (no announcement and no one on our team even knew about it) and I only found out from logging on to amend my new bank details on the employee dashboard (it shows all team members names and roles.) They have much less experience and qualifications than I do, and have worked here for a much shorter time. I have a pretty decent relationship with my boss, we get along, but I’m not…

My work motivation is wrecked.

I [33F] have been working at a company for 7 years now. In my career overall, I have 12 years experience and numerous qualifications. I work my butt off. I still feel like I am worth more, but it is something the company is discussing with employees at the moment due to record turnovers in recent years despite COVID etc…

On Friday I found out that a colleague has been promoted “in secret” (no announcement and no one on our team even knew about it) and I only found out from logging on to amend my new bank details on the employee dashboard (it shows all team members names and roles.)

They have much less experience and qualifications than I do, and have worked here for a much shorter time.

I have a pretty decent relationship with my boss, we get along, but I’m not sure how to approach this. There has always been a layer of favouritism in the department, some of us definitely feel it, but it has always remained professional – until now.

I’m not the only one on the team that feels disheartened by it, but I know they won’t speak up because they are very much “head down get over it.”

I’ve had the weekend to process, and I’m not sure whether I should say something or keep my head down and find another company that can offer what I am worth.

What do I do? I swing between “whatever” and “I’m really hurt” and “I’m really angry” so I don’t know how to voice my feelings if I do approach it.

TL;DR – employee with less experience, less qualifications, and less time at the company was promoted in secret, do I say something or do I keep my head down and move on?

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