
My mom quit after a week and a half working for the county- lousy staff and HR

My mom has been working as a custodian for many years and this past September I helped her apply for a custodial job working for the county because they start at $20 an hour. Since English is her second language, I put in the application and did all the paperwork for her. I’m not gonna lie, HR was very incompetent when it came to the process when they’d constantly ask for the same paperwork multiple times after having sent it already 2 or 3 times. I already didn’t like how lousy they were in communication but I let it go. That’s the first red flag. My mom and wanted a better job with better pay and better management to ride out until retirement. She finally gets offered the job and started orientation December 5th. The entire first week all she did was more paperwork and learn the policy and her…

My mom has been working as a custodian for many years and this past September I helped her apply for a custodial job working for the county because they start at $20 an hour. Since English is her second language, I put in the application and did all the paperwork for her. I’m not gonna lie, HR was very incompetent when it came to the process when they’d constantly ask for the same paperwork multiple times after having sent it already 2 or 3 times. I already didn’t like how lousy they were in communication but I let it go. That’s the first red flag. My mom and wanted a better job with better pay and better management to ride out until retirement.

She finally gets offered the job and started orientation December 5th. The entire first week all she did was more paperwork and learn the policy and her last 2 hours of the shift, they showed her the building and told her what she would be doing. This week, they assigned her with a 70 year old woman who just started working 2 months prior(second red flag that employees have been there only a few months) and according to my mom, she was rude and very demanding. My mother is a very outspoken woman but she bit her tongue. Until today, said woman had an attitude again and my mom told their supervisor about the woman’s attitude. Supervisor then proceeded to tell HR and HR spoke to her this very same day. My mom brought up the situation and they turned it back on my mother for feeling so offended and made it seem as she can’t be told how to do her job and follow directions. Mom was very put off by HR and told them that she’s not going to work for 3 months (probation period) and be harassed and verbally abused by anyone only for her to be let go after her 3 months. She told them she quits and she walked out.

I’m so pissed off for her because my mother is a very hardworking woman and she doesn’t deserve this bullshit. She has 9 year to go til retirement. I’m so tempted to email HR and give them a piece of my mind. She doesn’t even want to go pick up her first and only check to avoid them. This isn’t fair to her. The crazy in me really wants to get back at them but I don’t think it’s a risk I can put her in.

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