
How to approach leaving my job

I work for a tech company who contracts for (fake name) Boogle. I was in the warehouse and in Dec 2019 got my girlfriend a job in the office. She was able to work from home from March 2020 to now. At the end of 2021, I also joined this role and begun working from home. Boogle's RTO kept getting pushed back and I'll admit there was hope that we would just not return. Our director is (a complete piece of shit) very paranoid about working from home as some people in this role took major advantage of it in the past. He has been clear that his desire is for everyone to return to office. In 2 years, this team has proven constantly that working from home is doable. We were told at the least we would have a hybrid schedule with one day at home, but now we…

I work for a tech company who contracts for (fake name) Boogle. I was in the warehouse and in Dec 2019 got my girlfriend a job in the office. She was able to work from home from March 2020 to now. At the end of 2021, I also joined this role and begun working from home. Boogle's RTO kept getting pushed back and I'll admit there was hope that we would just not return.

Our director is (a complete piece of shit) very paranoid about working from home as some people in this role took major advantage of it in the past. He has been clear that his desire is for everyone to return to office. In 2 years, this team has proven constantly that working from home is doable. We were told at the least we would have a hybrid schedule with one day at home, but now we have been told we need to ask for exceptions to do this. And then suddenly instead of slowly ramping back up to office, our director has mandated that we come in 5 days a week. My supervisor is fighting for the one day wfh but even with that I'm not satisfied. I don't think I can give up WFH at this point.

There is 0 reason other than our director's paranoia for us to come in.

I also found out recently that people in my team are making 25.50 while I'm at 23.

Anyway my question is how should me and my gf approach leaving this job and looking for somewhere new? I wrote out some pages to speak to my supervisor about, it is all full of reasons why WFH is just better in every way, as well as going over the wages. I also list some other reasons like the price of gas, the time spent commuting, being more tired and less productive while working. I know it will probably not lead to more WFH but maybe it will wake them up that employees aren't going to just come into work for no reason. I don't know whether I should silently look for new jobs and quit or if I should have a meeting with my supervisor going over these things. I just want them to realize that they're going to lose the best admin team of all time (their words) because they won't budge on WFH. Should I TRY making a list of demands? Or should I just list all my reasons and just tell him I'm going to leave because of them? Should I even take any action until I find something? Should I stay silent and just leave when I find a new job?

Every ticket that comes to our job goes through our team. I love our team, they are the best team I've ever had, our communication and collaboration are top notch. Ironically one of the reasons they give for RTO is to increase those things. To lose team members on our team would be significantly detrimental to the entire warehouse and our company's contract with Boogle. I can't lie that my frustration is causing me to hope for some big catastrophe when we're gone.

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