
Team meeting about return to the office

Team meeting with my employer today. Head of team: “Great news, we can now go back to the office” … crickets… “on a voluntary basis of course” …crickets… tumbleweed rolls through… “and I'm organizing drinks after work in a few weeks so we can all meet each other properly “… crickets… At least a third of my team are outside the center of the city our head office is in and have less than zero desire to return to an office environment… another third are not even in the same city, or over 40 miles away like me (60 miles each way, with the price of petrol & parking nowadays?). Add to that most of the team are Arabic and non-drinkers… It was just painful.

Team meeting with my employer today. Head of team: “Great news, we can now go back to the office” … crickets… “on a voluntary basis of course” …crickets… tumbleweed rolls through… “and I'm organizing drinks after work in a few weeks so we can all meet each other properly “… crickets… At least a third of my team are outside the center of the city our head office is in and have less than zero desire to return to an office environment… another third are not even in the same city, or over 40 miles away like me (60 miles each way, with the price of petrol & parking nowadays?). Add to that most of the team are Arabic and non-drinkers… It was just painful.

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