
I feel like I landed that idealistic job people talk about on this sub

I've been in retail for the last two years. In april of this year, I quit a job I had been at for a year and a half. I was making 17.13/hr, I was a supervisor in the produce department and I could not stand it. Coworkers were terrible, boss was terrible, work was stressful. There were only a few people there that made it worthwhile but I just knew I had to move on. Couple months later I started at a new place making 18. Just a regular grocery clerk, I kinda jumped around helping different departments and my managers caught on to the kind of work I could do. A few months into this job, one of the department managers quit so they offered me his job, which started at 21.50. They told me in 90 days I'd get another raise, now 90 days have passed and yesterday…

I've been in retail for the last two years. In april of this year, I quit a job I had been at for a year and a half. I was making 17.13/hr, I was a supervisor in the produce department and I could not stand it. Coworkers were terrible, boss was terrible, work was stressful. There were only a few people there that made it worthwhile but I just knew I had to move on. Couple months later I started at a new place making 18. Just a regular grocery clerk, I kinda jumped around helping different departments and my managers caught on to the kind of work I could do. A few months into this job, one of the department managers quit so they offered me his job, which started at 21.50. They told me in 90 days I'd get another raise, now 90 days have passed and yesterday I had a talk with my boss where she said she would bump me up to 23.01/hr. I work 8AM-4:30PM every day, I have a set schedule, I get thursday and saturday off every week, and I don't have to manage a crew. Literally just me back there, which can be a challenge but god damn it's so nice not having to deal with anybody. This is like a dream come true

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