
Why do companies do this for part time jobs?

Ok so anyways im looking for a part time job i work at 5 pm so i have a full day i can work till 4 pm if i can find a job within a bus route which is alot of places, after hundreds of resumes handed out, interviews, emails and phone calls, they all want you to be flexible for them they want you to be able to be on call they want you to be able to work on their time, like ehy its part time be flexible with me im not applying to be flexible for you? Isnt that the sole purpose of part time like work with us dont take our souls i dont know what else to say its frustrating to the max its not humanly right.

Ok so anyways im looking for a part time job i work at 5 pm so i have a full day i can work till 4 pm if i can find a job within a bus route which is alot of places, after hundreds of resumes handed out, interviews, emails and phone calls, they all want you to be flexible for them they want you to be able to be on call they want you to be able to work on their time, like ehy its part time be flexible with me im not applying to be flexible for you? Isnt that the sole purpose of part time like work with us dont take our souls i dont know what else to say its frustrating to the max its not humanly right.

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